About me

Tech enthusiast with a passion for Machine Learning. Developed Reinforcement Learning agents for 2D games Swing Copters and Helicopter, surpassing the average score of human players in both games. Currently working as part of the Data and Research Center - Curation team for the All-of-Us project. Also interested in linguistics and its impact on the future of AI. Strong background in mathematics, specifically probability. Worked at a startup focusing on NLP and in the Investment Banking sector as a Quantitative Analyst in the past.


QoS constrained optimal sink and relay placement in a planned WSN

Authors: Abhijit Bhattacharya, Akhila Rao, K. P. Naveen, Nishanth P. P., S. V. R. Anand and Anurag Kumar (Director, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore).

Abstract: Given a set of sensors at pre-determined locations, a set of potential locations for placing base stations (BS, or sinks), and another set of potential locations for placing wireless relay nodes, in which each location for a BS and a relay is associated with a cost, we consider the problem of selecting a set of BS locations, a set of relay locations, and an association of sensor nodes with the chosen BS locations, such that the number of hops in the path from each sensor to the corresponding BS is bounded by hmax, and among all such feasible networks, determine the network associated with the minimum total cost. The hop count bound suffices to ensure a certain probability of the data being delivered to the BS within a given maximum delay under a light traffic model. We observe that the problem is NP-Hard, and is hard to even approximate within a constant factor. We propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm (SmartSelect) based on a relay placement algorithm proposed in our earlier work, along with a modification of the greedy algorithm for weighted set cover. We have analyzed the worst case approximation guarantee for this algorithm. We have also proposed a polynomial time heuristic to improve upon the solution provided by SmartSelect. Our numerical results demonstrate that the algorithms provide good quality solutions using very little computation time in various randomly generated network scenarios.

This paper was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2014, Bangalore, India.
The paper can be accessed at IEEE Xplore: proceedings of Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2014.

Work Experience

Data Curation team, Columbia University

  • Working on the All-of-Us project funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Machine Learning team, Parabole

  • Developed an algorithm to detect phrases with 85% accuracy using Stanford's CoreNLP, improving upon the previous algorithm, based on co-occurence, by 55%. Integrated the module into the Kafka workflow pipeline utilized by the firm.
  • Developed an algorithm to identify Named Entities and abstract topics/contexts from input documents using Stanford's CoreNLP and Latent Dirichlet Allocation.

Market Risk Methodology group, Nomura

  • Developed methodologies to account for corrections in risk classes not accounted for by the VaR (Value at Risk) engine employed by the firm, in accordance with FRTB and Basel III regulatory capital requirements.
  • Reduced the number of daily VaR backtesting breaches by 75%, by increasing the firm's daily VaR regulatory capital by 20% using one of the above add-ons, with a mere 2% and 5% increases in the 10-day VaR and Stressed VaR, respectively.
  • Implemented the SIMM model for major entities belonging to the firm, as described by ISDA regulations for Initial Margin.

In addition to these contributions, my responsibilities were as follows:

  • Daily monitoring and validation of risk, including analyzing risk sensitivities, VaR/Stress VaR, and Scenario Analyses.
  • Keeping abreast of relevant market events and drivers as they pertain to firm positioning and ensure desks are within trading limits.
  • Maintaining an active dialogue with support groups regarding risk changes, risk representation, revenue, and regulatory issues.
  • Communication of key risks to management via presentations and weekly reports.
  • Working with other Risk functions including Product Control, Middle Office, Risk IT, and Risk Reporting.


Fake News Source Distinguisher

  • Performed hypothesis testing and successfully proved with a p-value of 0.03 that fake news/propaganda websites have fundamentally different lexical characteristics compared to unbiased news sources.
  • Analyzed the lexical diversity, sentiment scores and readability levels of 200 articles, each from over 1,500 news source websites, using BeautifulSoup for web scraping and NLTK for NLP in Python.

Recommendation System for Reddit

  • Developed a recommendation system for Reddit using collaborative filtering by measuring the Jaccard similarity between subreddits.
  • Analyzed subscriber and commenter information of over 1 million subreddits encompassing 230 million registered users from over 1 TB of Reddit data, using Apache Hadoop.

Deep Q-Learning on Swing Copters and Helicopter

  • Developed Python versions of Swing Copters and Helicopter using Pygame and developed reinforcement learning agents to play the games by estimating the expected reward using a Q-function, using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
  • Achieved consistent growth in learning, rendering the RL agents capable of attaining proficiency surpassing that of humans. Accomplished the above in Python using OpenCV for visual input and TensorFlow for the CNN.

QoS Constrained Optimal Sink and Relay Placement in Planned Wireless Sensor Networks

The problem was to optimally choose positions for sinks and relays from a pool of potential sink locations and potential relay locations, given a set of sensor locations, such that the hop count from any source to any sink is bounded by an upper limit, and, in addition to this, find the minimum cost among all such feasible networks.
We proposed a polynomial time approximation algorithm (SmartSelect) based on a relay placement algorithm proposed in our earlier work, along with a modification of the greedy algorithm for weighted set cover.
We also came up with a polynomial time heuristic algorithm that improved upon the solution obtained by the aforementioned one, by pruning each sink from its solution set and running the whole algorithm repeatedly over the remaining sinks until there was no improvement in cost or the user-set iteration limit was reached.

High Level Synthesis in Scala to exploit Assignment Decision Diagrams from input description in Chisel

Developed a Scala compiler plugin to generate Verilog output with all decision blocks built exclusively using Assignment Decision Diagrams from an input layout description in Chisel, a hardware construction language embedded in Scala. Minimized the number of Assignment Decision Diagrams used by implementing ESPRESSO and Linear Programming.

Real-time Illegal Parking Detection in Daylight Environments

Implemented an object tracking algorithm using adaptive background subtraction techniques in MATLAB and achieved perfect results when benchmarked against Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance, 2007, and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, 2006, and 2007 datasets. Background subtraction here proved to be more challenging since lighting conditions kept changing during the daytime and necessitated the requirement of a dynamically-adaptive background. Implemented an algorithm to morph static parts of consecutive images and replace parts of the background when it encountered consecutive frames with a foreground blob area larger than a certain threshold. Reduced the number of false positives by allowing the background to adapt to different lighting conditions, as opposed to a static background, and hence warranted robustness.

Occlusion Tolerant Abandoned Object Detection in Crowded Environments

Implemented an algorithm to perform background subtraction and object tracking by using selective sampling and combining multiple consecutive sampled frames to reduce noise and detect the abandoned objects even under occlusion by other moving foreground parts. Designed it to show a warning sign around the potential abandoned objects thus detected in order to assist security in detecting them. Achieved perfect results when benchmarked against Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance, 2007, and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, 2006, and 2007 datasets.


Assembled a Quadcopter using an aluminium frame, an Arduino Uno, an accelerometer from a Nintendo Wii Nunchuk, a gyroscope from a Nintendo Wii Motion Plus, brushless motors, electronic speed controllers, propellers, an appropriate lipo battery and a 6-channel radio transmitter/receiver pair. Programmed the Arduino Uno's ATMega328 based on the Aeroquad open source project and used feedback from the motors, accelerometer and gyroscope to accomplish stable flight.



Program Institution Aggregate Completion
M.S. in CS Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NY 3.8/4 2018
B.Tech./M.Tech. in EE Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 8/10 2015
12th Grade VVS Sardar Patel PU College, Bangalore 92.33% 2010
10th Grade Mysore Education Society, Bangalore 97.28% 2008

Scholastic Achievements

  • Secured All India Rank 546 in IIT-JEE, 2010 (out of 470,000 candidates)
  • Secured State Rank 47 in AIEEE, 2010 and Rank 53 in Karnataka CET, 2010 (out of 110,000 candidates)
  • Awarded Certificate of Merit (Rank 3) in Karnataka Regional Mathematical Olympiad, 2009 and selected for the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp held at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
  • Awarded Certificate of Merit (top 1%) in National Standard Examination in Physics, 2009
  • Awarded Certificate of Merit (top 1%) in National Standard Examination in Chemistry, 2009
  • Awarded Certificate of Merit (top 1%) in National Standard Examination in Astronomy, 2009


  • Languages: C/C++, Python, MATLAB, VBA (Excel), SQL, Scala, LATEX, Verilog, VHDL
  • Software: MS Excel, MS Word, Keil uVision, ModelSim, Xilinx, LT Spice
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS X

Course work

Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Foundations of Machine Learning
  • Operating Systems
  • Social Networks
  • Real-Time and Big Data Analytics
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Programming Languages
  • Graph Theory
  • Computer Organization
  • Theory of Computation
  • Non-linear Control Systems
  • Allied Topics in Control
  • Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
  • Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes

Devices and VLSI Design

  • VLSI Technology
  • Digital Systems
  • Advanced Topics in VLSI
  • Analog Circuits
  • Advanced Microelectronics Lab
  • Solid State Devices
  • Digital IC Design
  • Analog IC Design
  • Plastic Electronics

Networks, Communications, and Signal Processing

  • Networks and Systems
  • Electromagnetic Fields
  • DSP and Embedded Systems Architecture
  • Analog and Digital Signal Processing
  • Analog Communication Systems
  • Communication Systems

Power and Photonics

  • Electrical Machines
  • Power System Practice
  • Photonics


Things I find interesting:



  • Wait But Why: Tim Urban's blog/website. Explains stuff very well. Love his views on spirituality.
  • The Book of Life: Created by The School of Life, it is an online book and a must-read.